


Curriculum vitae

Publications list

PhD dissertation

Awards and honours

TV & radio interviews


Asteroid (183294) Langbroek

Asteroid discoveries

Asteroid naming citations

Astronomy software

Spy satellites

Asteroid discoveries

Dutch meteorites

Odonata (Dragonflies)

Weather station

Megaliths (travel blog)

Dubious stuff


Public PGP key

Website first online in 2000
This version went online in 2017

TV and radio

EenVandaag 11 feb 2023

As a result of my activities I have made several appearances on Dutch national TV and radio, US TV and Radio, Italian TV, and Belgian, Caribean, German and UK Radio, on topics ranging from Neandertals to meteorites to spy satellites to North Korean missiles. Here is a -not complete- list. Some with links to the actual interview. Most items are in Dutch.

View list...


19 Feb 2025: - I was interviewed by the news program NOS Journaal on Dutch national tv, about the Falcon 9 rocket upper stage reentry over the Netherlands earlier that day. (item starts at 07:47 in the broadcast)

19 Feb 2025: - I was interviewed by the news program RTL Nieuws on Dutch commercial tv, about the Falcon 9 rocket upper stage reentry over the Netherlands earlier that day. (item starts at 17:35 in the broadcast)

16 Nov 2024: - I was interviewed by the news background program Nieuwsuur on Dutch national tv, about recent Russian electronic attacks on European communication satellites.

19 Feb 2024: - I was interviewed by the news background program EditieNL on Dutch commercial tv channel RTL4, about Russian military activities in space (item starts at 7:05).

17 Feb 2024: - I was a guest on the Italian La7 tv show 'Omnibus', talking with anchor Frediano Finucci about Russian military activities in space (item, in Italian, starts at 00:41:51 and alternates between Navalny and the space item, and various guests for 30 minutes).

22 May 2023: I featured prominently in a 41-minute NTR Focus Special documentary (NPO1), a Science program on Dutch national Television (NPO 2), about War from Space.

11 February 2023: I was interviewed by EenVandaag (NPO1), a news backgrounds program on Dutch national Television, about Space Debris (item starts at 19:38 in the program).

16 October 2022: I was interviewed by Nieuwsuur, a news backgrounds program on Dutch national Television, about Elon Musk, Starlink, and the War in Ukraine.

10 August 2022: I was briefly on US television on NBC in an item in NBC Nightly News about the Russian spy satellite Kosmos 2558 that is stalking a US spy satellite, USA 326.

23 Mar 2022: I was interviewed by the Dutch business TV channel RTL Z about SpaceX Starlink.

28 Dec 2021: I was Live interviewed by the Dutch business TV channel RTL Z about the Chinese complaints against SpaceX regarding close encounters of Starlink satellites to the Chinese Space Station.

17 May 2021 I was interviewed by Nieuwsuur, a news backgrounds program on Dutch national Television, about the SpaceX Starlink satellite program (view)

8 May 2021 I was interviewed by Nieuwsuur, a news backgrounds program on Dutch national Television, about a large Chinese rocket stage that was falling down to earth (view (second video on the linked page))

7 May 2021 I was a guest in the Live Talkshow Beau (RTL 4) on Dutch national Television, about a large Chinese rocket stage that was falling down to earth (view)

5 May 2021 I spoke to the NOS Jeugdjournaal, a news program for children on Dutch national television, about a large Chinese rocket stage that is falling down to earth (view)

4 May 2021 I was in the 5 Uur Show on Dutch television (SBS 6), talking about a large Chinese rocket stage that was about to have an uncontrolled reentry (view)

1 Jul 2019 I was interviewed by Editie NL (RTL 4) on Dutch television, about the fireball and suspected meteorite fall of 28 June 2019.

30 May 2019 I was interviewed by RTL4 Nieuws on Dutch television, about the SpaceX Starlink satellites.

27 May 2019 I was interviewed via telephone by RTL Z Nieuws on Dutch television, about the spectacular "train" of just launched Starlink satellites, which I filmed, and the implications of SpaceX's Starlink plans. Item starts at 7m 40s in the broadcast (view)

25 May 2019 I was interviewed by Hart van Nederland on Dutch television (SBS6), about the spectacular phenomena in the sky the night before (the unique "train" of just launched Starlink satellites, which I filmed). Item starts at 5m 05s in the broadcast (view)

25 Oct 2018 Live studio guest in the news backgrounds program Nieuwsuur on Dutch national television (NPO 1), about why it would be a bad idea if the Netherlands adopts permanent "summertime" (CEST) (view)

15 Sep 2018 Interviewed by EénVandaag, a news backgrounds program on the Dutch public tv channel NPO 1, about why it would be a bad idea if the Netherlands adopts permanent "summertime" (CEST) (view)

28 Feb 2018 Interview with Miles O'Brien for the US TV program PBS Newshour, about Open Source investigation of North-Korean missile launches (view)

22 Sep 2017 Guest in the live RTL talkshow 5 Uur Live, on the spectacular fireball over the Netherlands of 21 Sept 2017.

26 Jun 2017 Guest in the live talkshow RTL Late Night, on the new Broek in Waterland meteorite (view)

21 Jan 2016 In an item in Eénvandaag about the Parliament Hearing concerning flight MH17 (view)

Oct 2015 Live in an item in RTL Z Today about the close flyby of asteroid 2015 TB145 "Spooky" (view)

Apr 2014 In an item in Eénvandaag about meteorites and asteroid impacts (view)

Mar 2014 In an item in Nieuwsuur about the use of satellites to find lost flight MH370 (view)

Jan 2014 In an item in the Jeugdjournaal about the "KNAL!" weekend (meteorites) at Naturalis (view)

Feb 2013 Live interview in Nieuwsuur about the Chelyabinsk impact and unrelated asteroid 2012 DA14 flyby (view)

Feb 2013 In an item on RTV West about the Chelyabinsk impact and unrelated asteroid 2012 DA14 flyby

Feb 2008 In NOVA about the shootdown of out of control spy satellite USA 193


- 19 February 2025: I was interviewed by the regional radio channel RTV Oost about the Falcon 9 upper stage reentry over the Netherlands earlier that day.

- 2 April 2024: I answered questions by the radio program Nieuws & Co on Dutch national radio (NPO Radio 1) about the possible impact of a piece of space debris on a house in Florida.

- 29 February 2024: I was interviewed by the BNR radio program Ochtendspits about the North Korean satellite Malligyong-1 showing signs of life (in Dutch, item starts at 01:59:50).

28 November 2023: I was briefly interviewed by Eenvandaag on Dutch national Radio channel NPO 1 about North Korea's military satellite launch (my contribution to the item starts at 00:45:50)

2 October 2023: I was interviewed by Nieuws en Co on Dutch national Radio channel NPO 1 about our Nature paper on the BlueWalker 3 satellite (item starts at 00:34:35)

21 September 2023: I was a guest in Villa VdB (MAX, NPO Radio 1), a program on Dutch National Radio channel 1, about "Congestion in Space - is there room left for more satellites?"

12 July 2023: I was interviewed for an hour by Art Rooijakkers of the BNR radio program Big Five, about the 'Race for Space'. (item in Dutch)

10 March 2023: I was interviewed by Nieuws en Co (NPO Radio 1), a news backgrounds program on Dutch national Radio, about Space Debris and the need for regulations. (item starts at 00:17:200)

6 February 2023: I was interviewed by EenVandaag, a news program on Dutch national Radio (NPO 1), about Space Debris (a week later I was on tv on the same topic in the tv version of the same program as well, see tv listing above).

10 January 2023: I was interviewed by De Wereld Vandaag, a news program on Belgian VRT Radio 1, about the failed Virgin Orbit launch of January 9. (item starts at 00:28:25)

17 Nov 2021: I was interviewed by the radio program EenVandaag on the national Dutch NPO 1 Radio channel about the Russian anti-satellite test of 15 november 2021 (item starts at 36:00).

4 May 2021: I was on the NPO 1 Radio News on Dutch National Radio about the imminent reentry of a large Chinese rocket stage.

4 May 2021: I was on Dolfijn FM, a radio station in the Caribean (Curacao and Bonaire), talking about the imminent reentry of a large Chinese rocket stage.

26 Feb 2020: I was a guest of the NPO 1 Radio program "Spraakmakers" on Dutch National Radio about the downside of the massive SpaceX Starlink satellites constellation currently being launched.

28 May 2019: I talked to BNR Nieuwsradio about our just published research on the unusual Diepenveen Carbonacous meteorite.

27 May 2019 Live studio interview on Dutch NPO Radio 1 in Nieuwsweekeinde (MAX), about the fireball and suspected meteorite fall of 28 June 2019. (listen and view)

18 Oct 2018: On Dutch national Radio (NPO 1) where I talked with the Dutch news backgrounds program EénVandaag about what timezone the Netherlands should adopt (related to the EU move to abolish the switch from standardtime to DST).

20 June 2018: I talked with Paul Ross on the UK Radio station TALKradio about the arrival of the Japanese Space probe Hayabusa 2 at asteroid Ryugu (choose the 4:30-5:00 timespan in top of the window).

2 April 2018: I talked to Dutch national radio NPO 1 about the reentry of the Chinese space station Tiangong-1 earlier that night (in Dutch).

2 April 2018: I talked with Cristo Foufas of the Breakfast Show on the UK Radio station TALKradio about the reentry of the Chinese space station Tiangong-1 earlier that night (choose the 6:30-7:00 timespan in top of the window. The item starts near 3:50 in that segment).

31 March 2018: I talked to the US Radio station KCBS San Francisco about the upcoming reentry of the Chinese space station Tiangong-1.

30 March 2018: I talked to Frank Beckmann of the US Radio station WJR Detroit about the upcoming reentry of the Chinese space station Tiangong-1.

28 March 2018: I talked with Paul Ross on the UK Radio station TALKradio about the upcoming reentry of the Chinese space station Tiangong-1 (choose the 2:00-2:30 timespan in top of the window. The item starts near 6:25 in that segment).

26 Jun 2017 Live interview on NPO radio 1 about the new Broek in Waterland meteorite

22 Jan 2016 Live interview on NPO radio 1 after the MH17 Parliament hearing

5 Feb 2013 In science program Hoe?Zo! about new Neandertal dates in Iberia

21 Jun 2009 In O.V.T. about Neandertals

10 Mar 2009 In Noorderlicht about my research on Neandertal behaviour

Feb 2008 On Radio 5 about the shootdown of out of control spy satellite USA 193


3 February 2023: The University of the Netherlands in cooperation with public broadcaster NTR, created a new educative web series called Voorkennis ("foreknowledge). In the first episode of 3.5 minutes, Angelo Vermeulen, Lonneke Peperkamp and me bring you up-to-date about "War in Space".

1 February 2023: Sterrenstof (Stardust) is a 50-minute documentary byMaarten Butter , shown earlier at various national and international festivals (e.g. DOCfeed 2020). In it, Maarten goes back to four friends from his youth (one of them is me) who all shared a passion for the Universe, too see what has happened to them and their passion for research, 30 years later. "A tribute to the human urge to explore and understand" (Govert Schilling, science journalist) .

RTL Late Night

(c) 2017 by Marco Langbroek