The FMO Mailing List

Kitt Peak Clear Sky Clock

The FMO mailing list, which is a mail-based list through, is a list for the volunteer image reviewers community in the Spacewatch FMO Project. It is the place to share reviewing experiences, news relating to the Project discoveries, news on NEA research, and maintain social contacts among the FMO community members.

If you have any questions, e-mail me.

 - Marco Langbroek (list admin)

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List admin: Marco Langbroek. Co-admins: Stan Pope and Tony Hoffman


The FMO Project has been ended

Following the February-March lunation of 2006, the Spacewatch FMO Project has been ended, as funding was no longer available.

As volunteers in the project, we deeply regret this. For many of us, the FMO Project was part of our life. It was fun to do, useful, and we were proud to take part in it. And it formed the community on our mailing list. The future of this list is unsure at the moment. It still operates though, as many members have spoken out the wish to maintain in contact.

- Marco Langbroek, list admin, 10 March 2006.


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Last update: 10/03/2006